It is a rare, however getting sores due to having a yeast infection is possible. However, having yeast infection sores would suggest that you have had the infection for quite some time. Areas of the body where yeast infection sores can occur include the vagina, the penis, the mouth, skin and for babies the skin area covered by the diaper. The treatment of a yeast infection is much easier if it is detected early but all is not lost if you have ignored or not recognized the yeast infection sores they can be dealt with.
For women a yeast infection is bound to occur at some point in their lives, however, be aware that it is not just a female problem, anyone can get the infection. For women yeast infection sores ususally appear in the vaginal area and in men it is often seen at the head of the penisIn the early stages of a yeast infection the symptoms are mild, with some discomfort, mild itching, along with bumpy rash. If these symptoms are ignored rather than getting better things will worsen. The symptoms during infection become even more uncomfortable to live with at time goes by; from itching more severely to the skin developing yeast infection sores and blisters. In severe cases sometimes bleeding can occur during infection.
Causes of yeast infection sores:
If your infection has gotten to the point where yeast infection sores have developed, it is urgent that the real cause for the infection be diagnosed as quickly as possible so that the root cause of the problem can dealt with. Four (4) common causes of yeast infections are:
If you have been prescribed or taking antibiotics this may be the cuase of your problem. Some antibiotics can cause the development of a yeast infection because they eliminate all bacteria, good and bad necessary to prevent and fight against infections. Due to the fact that certain bacterias are necessary to control the growth of the fungus which prevents a yeast infection, extra caution must be taken when on antibiotics.
This may be the Weirdest cause of them all however, a diet high in sugar can be the the reason you have a infection since the fungus feeds on sugar. For this reason diabetics who do not control their blood sugar are more likely to develop yeast infections which can lead to yeast infection sores.
Bear in mind that tight clothing that keeps the area warm and damp encourages the excessive growth of the fungus. It is recommended to wear cotton clothing which allows the skin to breathe and wear loose clothing can also help. A strong advice is to stay out of damp clothing, change swimsuits as soon as possible, and as always shower after exercising.
Poor hygiene can be the root cause of your infection. You are encouraged to wash regularly but be sure to keep the are dry. Also avoiding products with harsh chemicals can prevent upsetting the natural balance of your body, which may cause a yeast infection.
Yeast infection sores treatment
Yeast infection sores are rather difficult to live with; they are painful and irritating and may bleed. However, there are a few things you can do to relieve this discomfort.
Be sure to clean the area properly and apply honey on the sores for half an hour and then rinse carefully. The honey will soothe the irritation and itching, do four to five times a day. ( Women: please do not to the honey in the vaginal area this will only cause the problem to worsen).
Peel and finely chop two cloves of garlic and mix in 100ml of olive oil, heat and allow to cool and apply to area moderately.
Also plain probiotic yogurt will help fight the infection and soothe the yeast infection sores.
Half water and half apple cider vinegar solution. Be aware that this may sting on the yeast infection sores at first.
If you are unsure that you have a yeast infection or if you for a fact developed yeast infection sores due to the infection, please consult you doctor.
Simple Steps to Get Rid of Yeast Infection Sores.