A chronic yeast infection can have a profound impact on quality of life. Though there may be few outward symptoms, if a fungal infection was to become systemic, it can effect an individual's physical and mental health. Unfortunately, many people live years with this type of condition without being diagnosed. Though we do not often think of yeast as being a serious problem, under a worst case scenario, such infections can spread to the brain and lungs with devastating results.
If you find yourself plagued by tiredness, or suffering from multiple allergies and constant sickness, it is important to visit your GP for diagnosis. The problem is that most GPs never investigate the possibility of a fungus being behind the symptoms that a patient is presenting, that is unless there is an obvious sign of candida, such as white spots on the tongue or a milky discharge from the vagina. When routine medications do not seem to clear up a medical problem, other causes should be considered.
When suspecting a fungal overgrowth, and if not taken seriously by your GP, you should consult a naturopath. Though not thought of as a mainstream healthcare specialist, a naturopath would be able to diagnose what the reason for your lethargy and constant sickness really is. They would want to know about your lifestyle and diet, as well as analyzing samples of bodily fluids, before coming to any conclusion.
A chronic yeast infection can be caused by various factors. If you have found yourself under a considerable amount of stress for a prolonged period of time, this may reduce the level of certain hormones in the bloodstream that would normally have kept the yeast levels under control. It is worth noting that we all need some fungus in the body, without any candida we can also get sick.
Another reason for this condition to take hold can be a frequent use of antibiotics. If you have been given antibiotics on a regular basis to treat a bacterial infection, this may have also killed off the friendly bacteria in the body which would normally keep a fungal overgrowth in check. This is just one reason why antibiotics are not as useful as many people believe.
Diet is one of the primary reasons that can lead to fungus related problems. If your diet is loaded with junk food, you should expect that this will take a toll on your general health. Yeast feeds off sugar, if you consume a lot of sweet food and carbohydrate, this will bring about the perfect condition for candida to thrive. You may find that by cutting back on unhealthy foods, the problem clears up by itself.
In certain cases, sexual behavior may also be the reason for a fungal infection. It is believed that candida can be transferred between sexual organs. If your partner has the condition, you may also.
The good news is that even a chronic yeast infection can be treated. There are both prescription drugs and natural remedies that are known to get rid of the problem and restore the body's natural balance.
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