Want To Permanently & Naturally Cure Your Yeast Infection?

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Understanding Primary Yeast Infection Causes

Yeast infection causes are numerous. If you have been diagnosed with an overgrowth of Candida albicans, be it in your throat, mouth, vagina, or the gut, identifying the cause would form an essential component of the treatment program that you should follow. Though not usually a life threatening illness, if not addressed and fixed, a fungal overgrowth can result in severe physical and mental stress.

In some people, it is easy to pinpoint the reason for a fungal imbalance, though this is not always the case. One of the primary reasons behind the increased number of people being diagnosed with this debilitating condition is diet. A modern diet is often extremely unhealthy, if your meals are loaded with hydrogenated fats, sugar, salt, and carbohydrates, you are creating the perfect conditions for dysbiosis.

In most situations, a change in diet can fix a fungal overgrowth permanently, medication alone will only bring short term relief. It is important to have a balanced diet that contains a lot of fresh vegetables and old world grains such as quinoa. Any foods high in sugar, including fruit, can feed fungus to such a degree that the problem never goes away. Moreover, if you love to eat bread with your meals, this can lead to an excessive candida count in your body.

When trying to pinpoint yeast infection causes, an excessive use of prescription medications can be suggested as to blame. Antibiotics and corticosteroids are given frequently to treat a number of different conditions, but these drugs will upset the natural balance of fungus and bacteria in the body.

When antibiotics are administered, they do not differentiate between good and bad bacteria, when a large number of good bacteria are killed off, this creates an environment in which fungus can flourish. Corticosteroids lessen the white blood cell count in the body. Though an excess of white blood cells can result in inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and asthma, they are also an important component of a healthy immune system which would normally keep the yeast count in check.

It has been suggested that another cause of an overgrowth of candida, especially in the mouth where it is termed oral thrush, is dental injury. If you have recently damaged your teeth or gums, or undergone extensive dental work, this may have resulted in yeast flourishing. There is always some candida in the mouth or throat, but when these areas are stressed an imbalance can develop.

If you have recently experienced a traumatic time in your life, for example the death of a loved one or a financial problem, the anxiety you feel can result in real physical problems. It is believed that stress can contribute to yeast problems, primarily due to the hormonal imbalance that comes about when feeling worried excessively.

Understanding what the main yeast infection causes are can help when searching for a remedy. Getting rid of the cause will minimize the risk of future flare ups occurring. If you are not sure what the reason for your candida infection is, your family GP or a local naturopath should be able to identify the primary factor.

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